Preventive Dentistry: Why do sweets ruin teeth? What are some good eating habits for oral health?
No, it's not a lie what our parents told us. Sweets damage children's - and adults' - teeth. That is why a few dietary tips should be followed from...
Psychology: Children’s fear of the dentist
Today's modern dental visits can be simple, pleasant, and painless—if the parent is informed early about dental diseases and guided early on in what...
Orthodontics: Finger sucking and pacifiers: Are they dangerous for the teeth?
Babies and young children suck one or more fingers or a pacifier for comfort and pleasure, but also when they have nothing to do or are tired. Many...
Preventive Dentistry: Prenatal Dental Care
Although many may be unaware of it, an expectant mother can make a significant contribution to her child's dental health during pregnancy. A child's...
Preventive Dentistry: The baby suffers when teeth appear!
Myth or truth?
The "emergence" of baby teeth is a source of great anxiety and sometimes panic for parents. The myth that the baby suffers when teeth emerge has its...
Pediatric Dentistry: Pulpotomy of a deciduous tooth
Children's teeth have different morphology from adult teeth: the baby tooth nerve (pulp) is closer to the outer surface of the tooth and is covered...

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